James and I on our way toVegas

Friday, May 27, 2011

Crazy Friday...

Today has started out being a crazy morning..I have 8 kiddos who all decided to have a water fight outside with puddle water..and then complained about being cold..So it took awhile to change 7 kiddos out of wet clothes and into new one.. I am also dealing with trying to get my medical records, having my fertility Dr. write a letter for me for the grant as well as realizing that I do NOT have my birth certificate and neither do my parents.. So I just filled out that for to request 2 certified copies.. I also have a 24 page application to fill out as well as copy all of our tax returns for the past couple years.. It is a bunch of work but will be totally worth it if we are chosen for the $10,000 grant.. if we are we find out in Sept. and then we will have to go to DC on Nov. 5 for the banquette and then we will receive our check Jan. 1, 2012.. I really really hope I am chosen.

About our vacation back east... I am so sad.. I do not know if we will be able to go now.. United raised the amount of miles you need and we do not have enough.. we did have friends and family that were willing to gift us miles only to find out you only can accept 15,000 a year as a gift transfer total.. and it will cost $15.00 per 1000 miles! are you kidding me with that.. that is over $200.00 for that I could almost buy a ticket on SouthWest.. So now I am looking to see what it would cost us to pay for SouthWest tickets but then we have to figure out the rental car.. aahhhh why oh why is it so expensive to travel? I really really want to go and show James where I am from.. and I want to see my Philly friends..I will have to try and figure it all out.. heck.. it might be cheaper for us to go on vacation in Mexico.. ha ha.. All I know is I really want a vacation..Our honeymoon was the last time James and I were on a weeks vacation and I think we both need it..
I hope everyone.. has a great weekend.. James and I are actually staying home.. Which is unheard of for us..


  1. hi ive been following your blog, have you considered doing IUI at home? Its something my husband and I are trying while we save for IVF W ICSI we are going to meet with a midwife so he can learn how to properly do it. the kits to wash and spin the sperm are around 60 online, although we are trying to find a facility in the area to wash and spin it for us because my husband motility and and morph are so low. just thought id share. best wishes!

  2. Thank you for following my blog.. and no I have not thought of doing it at home.. I know I can do an IUI at my local dr. office but that has never worked I need to do in the injectable meds.. Let me know how it works for you and how it works and how much it costs..
