James and I on our way toVegas

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Follistim injection Day 1...

Today is the first day of injections.. even though I have done this numerous times before I still get nervous I will do it wrong, even though it is pretty impossible to mess it  up while using the Follistim Pen.
 I am using 125IU (international units) of Follistim each day.. I am also taking Fortamet 2000mg a day (I have always taken Fortamet for my PCOS and was told I will always take it even through pregnancy) I also take a prenatal, multivitamin, vitamin D3, and extra folic acid...
 The one good thing about using the pen instead of a syringe is  the needle is so small it does not hurt at all going in. It does however sting for a bit after I give myself the shot.
 Tomorrow will be another day of shots... I am very excited and will only be thinking positive thoughts during my journey.. James is still in Canada and will be home next week, when I leave.. we are hoping things can work out for him to come down before he is needed for his "deposit". He has never been able to be there for the appointments that lead up to the IUI's and I would love for him to be there.. Even though it is my body going through this... this is OUR journey and I am glad that most of our appointments will be on a weekend so he can be there.. to hold my hand and take a picture of the ultrasound screen so you all can see pictures of our growing follicles..

1 comment:

  1. I'm writing because I believe this post is important for those who are unfamiliar with IVF and where to obtain its medications. I'd like to share my experience with TownDrugStore , the best IVF medicine provider agency in the United States. They provide all types of IVF medications at extremely low prices, along with testing.

    My wife has been prescribed Lupron Depot , Follistim aq and Menopur . My order arrived in just three days, beautifully packaged and in good condition. So, if you, like us, are undergoing this treatment and looking for medications online, you should visit their website at least once; you will not be disappointed.
    Stay Healthy!
